
Electronic class card system —Weds’ smart campus system


Electronic class card terminal is an intelligent interactive display device which is installed at the door of each classroom for display class information, release campus information, display campus class culture. It is an important platform for home-school communication.

Through the network can achieve distributed management or unified control management, instead of the traditional class card, become an important tool for digital campus construction.


Main function of the product:

1. Moral education propaganda

Record all the things related to students’ study or life in school, include class information, course information, class-style, class honors, etc. Through this platform school share the joy of growing up with students, parents and teachers, and participate in the construction of class culture together

2. Information release homework notices, questionnaires and other different information release. All kinds of information can be pushed, conveyed and shared.

3. Smart attendance

Support face, IC/CPU card, second generation card, password and other recognition methods for intelligent attendance. The sign-in data will be photographed in real time and pushed to parents, and will be automatically summarized and displayed on the class card terminal and the wechat terminal of teachers’ campus footprints.

4. Communication between home and school

Electronic class card terminal connects home and school. Students can ask for leave in class card and parents can leave messages to class card conveniently. All pictures, videos, announcements and other content published in the class card can be synchronized to the parent side.

5, class management

The system supports regular class scheduling and stratified teaching. Students can choose classes in the class card, view the class schedule and individual class schedule. It can provide the class attendance function of students and teachers.

6. Moral education evaluation

Upholding the student-centered principle, we help schools establish a comprehensive evaluation system for quality education, realize process and accompanying independent evaluation management, realize students’ daily performance record, query display and automatic summary analysis, and simplify the burden of class teachers and school management.

 Electronic class card terminal solution is committed to the deep integration of intelligent AI technology with campus moral education.

And with the help of a new intelligent interactive identification terminal and mobile moral education management system to help schools build a systematic and standardized moral education system.

Family education and social practice should be brought into the scope of moral education, by strengthening the interaction between family and school and the management of off-campus research.

Create a moment-to-moment education mode to implement moral education into students’ daily behavior and consciousness.


Shandong Well Data Co.,Ltd. Created in 1997
Listing time: 2015 (stock code 833552 on the New Third Board)
Enterprise Qualifications: National High tech Enterprise, Double Software Certification Enterprise, Famous Brand Enterprise, Excellent Software Enterprise in Shandong Province, Specialized, Refined, Special and New Small and Medium sized Enterprise in Shandong Province, “One Enterprise, One Technology” R&D Center in Shandong Province
Enterprise scale: The company has more than 150 employees, 80 technical research and development personnel, and more than 30 specially hired experts
Core competencies: software technology research and hardware development capabilities, the ability to meet personalized product development and landing services