
Dual screen facial recognition intelligent terminal


In today’s rapidly developing technology, intelligent terminal devices have become an indispensable part of our lives. Today, I want to introduce to you a dual screen facial recognition intelligent terminal that integrates multiple consumer functions, a comprehensive management system, USB expansion, cross network data transfer, and dual screen display.


Firstly, it has multiple consumption functions for users to freely choose from, including fixed consumption, input amount consumption, shortcut consumption, automatic fixed consumption, and share consumption modes. Whether you are a merchant or a consumer, you can choose the most suitable consumption method according to your own needs.

Secondly, this intelligent terminal device is also equipped with a comprehensive management system, including functions such as card issuance, deposit, account cancellation, statistics, inquiry, loss reporting, and reporting. This not only facilitates daily management for businesses, but also allows consumers to have a more comprehensive understanding of the consumption proces

Furthermore, this smart terminal device also supports USB expansion, which can be connected to external devices such as printers, amplifiers, and displays to achieve more expansion functions. This can not only improve work efficiency, but also enrich the user experience.

In addition, this intelligent terminal device is equipped with TCP/IP protocol and supports 10/100/1000MBPs high-speed network adaptation, enabling cross network segment data transfer. This makes data transmission faster and more stable, greatly improving work efficiency.

Finally, this intelligent terminal device adopts dual screen display technology, with high-definition dual screen display and a rich interface that can monitor the transaction process and prevent consumption errors. This not only improves the security of transactions, but also makes the consumer’s consumption process more transparent.

Overall, this dual screen facial recognition intelligent terminal has become a popular product in the market due to its various consumer functions, comprehensive management system, USB expansion, cross network data transfer, and dual screen display. Both merchants and consumers can benefit and benefit from 

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Shandong will Data Co., Ltd
Created in 1997
Listing time: 2015 (New Third Board stock code 833552)
Enterprise Qualification: National High tech Enterprise, Double Software Certification Enterprise, Famous Brand Enterprise, Shandong Province Gazelle Enterprise, Shandong Province Excellent Software Enterprise, Shandong Province Specialized, Refined, and New Small and Medium sized Enterprise, Shandong Province Enterprise Technology Center, Shandong Province Invisible Champion Enterprise
Enterprise scale: The company has over 150 employees, 80 research and development personnel, and more than 30 specially hired experts
Core competencies: software technology research and development, hardware development capabilities, and the ability to meet personalized product development and landing services