
Application advantages of face recognition access control machine in office buildings


Now face recognition technology has entered all walks of life, such as shopping can use face recognition for payment, railway stations, airport tickets, subway gates also use face recognition, so now face recognition for all of us are no longer unfamiliar, now including some office places, such as office buildings also use face recognition access control machine, for managing visitors and internal staff, Reduce labor management costs, improve management efficiency, and bring people a better sense of science and technology experience, then what are the specific application advantages of face recognition access control in office buildings?


1, Efficient and convenient: face recognition gate through fast and accurate face recognition technology, can quickly verify the identity of people in and out, thus greatly improving the traffic efficiency. This is undoubtedly a huge advantage for a place such as an office building that requires high turnover and efficient management.

2, High security: face recognition technology has a high degree of accuracy and reliability, can effectively prevent illegal personnel from entering the office and ensure the safety of the office environment. At the same time, the gate can also be linked with the access control system, alarm system, etc., to further enhance security.

3, Convenient management: the face recognition gate can record the details of people in and out, including time, identity, etc., to achieve data-based management. This makes it more convenient for office managers to carry out personnel statistics, attendance management and other work to improve management efficiency.

4, Strong adaptability: face recognition gate can adapt to different environmental conditions, such as light changes, temperature fluctuations, etc., to ensure that it can work stably in a variety of environments. In addition, the gate also supports a variety of verification methods, such as credit card, password, etc., can meet the needs of different users.

5, Improve the user experience: for employees and visitors in the office building, the face recognition gate does not need to carry any access card or key, just stand in front of the gate for face recognition, which greatly improves the convenience of access.


In summary, face recognition access control machine can provide safer management services in office buildings. For visitors, it solves the cumbersome registration steps of visiting, and at the same time, it has a better pass-through experience. It can improve the management efficiency of the unit and reduce the input of labor costs. These advantages also make the application of face recognition access control machine in office buildings more and more widely.


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Shandong Well Data Co.,Ltd. Created in 1997
Listing time: 2015 (stock code 833552 on the New Third Board)
Enterprise Qualifications: National High tech Enterprise, Double Software Certification Enterprise, Famous Brand Enterprise, Excellent Software Enterprise in Shandong Province, Specialized, Refined, Special and New Small and Medium sized Enterprise in Shandong Province, “One Enterprise, One Technology” R&D Center in Shandong Province
Enterprise scale: The company has more than 150 employees, 80 technical research and development personnel, and more than 30 specially hired experts
Core competencies: software technology research and hardware development capabilities, the ability to meet personalized product development and landing services

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